how louis 16 was responsible for french revolution
first of all you have to know that at what is the reason behind it for the French Revolution because Louis because when Louis XVI become the king of France then he found that his treasury was empty long year of War had drained the financial resource of France added to this was the cost of maintaining and extra vagent court at the immense palace of of Versailles Palace under Louis XVI France help the 13 American colonies to gain their Independence from the common in me Britain the word added more than billion livers to debt that had already ryzen to more than 2 billion levers lender who gave State Credit now begin to charge 10% interest on loans so the France government was a blizzard to spend an increasing percentage of its budget on interest payment alone to meet its regular expenses such as cost of maintaining enemy the court running government offices or universities the state was force to increase taxes yet even this measure would not have sufficient French society in 18th century was divided into three states and only member of 3rd State Pay taxes the society of states was part of feudal system that dated back to middle age the term old resign usually used to describe society and Institution of France before 1789 however only small number of them on the land cultivated and present made up about 90% of population and about 60% of land was owned by nobles and the people of 3rd state have to pay to tax that is the church to extracted its share of tax is called thesis from the peasants and finally all member of 3rd state had to pay taxes to state these included direct tax card Tally and number of indirect taxes which were leave on articles of everyday conjunction like salt or tambako the burden of Financing activities of the state through taxes won war by the third estate alone and the population of France is also increasing that is about 23 million in 17 15 228 million in 1789 this lead to Rapid increase in demand for food grains production of grains could not get page with the demands so the price of bed which was staple diet of them is ATI Roz rapidly most workers were employed as neighbours in workshop whose owner tricks their wages but wages did not give space with rise in prices so the gap between the poor and the ratio I didn't think become worse whenever drought or help reduce the harvest this lead to the subsistence crisis something the occurs frequently Infra dance during old resign Louis XVI had to increase the taxes for reason you have learnt in this previous section how do you think he could have gone about doing this in France of tourism in the Munnar did not have to power to impose tax is according to his will a loan whether he had call meeting of estates general which would then pass his proposal for taxes the estates general ward political body to which three states and their representatives however the monarch alone which decided when to call the meeting of this word is the last time it was done in 16 14 15 my 1789 Louis XVI call together and assembly of state gender to pass proposal for new taxes the the resplendent hall in Versailles Palace prepare to horse the relatives the first and second state 300 presented to see each who are seated in rows facing each other on two side while the 600 members of third states had to stand at back the third state was represented by it's more prosperous and educated member pigeon partition and movement were denied entry to Assembly however there aliens and demands were listed in 14000 letter which the representative had brought with them voting in state general pass have to conducted according to the principal is state had one what the time to Louis XVI was determined to continue the same practice but member of 3rd state demanded that voting now be conducted by assembly a****** each member could have one vote this was one of the democratic principal but forward by philosopher like resort in his book the social contract when the king rejected this proposal member of third estate what about assembly in protest