English, asked by Kaua, 1 year ago

How lucky I am to live in this century


Answered by VAC
You r very lucky 2 Liv in this century. In this 21st Century u hav got all the modern inventions in the palm of your hand.Life is so easy 4 u.U hav all the modern means through which u can njoy ur life 2 the extreme

This 21st Century has shown many new gadgets many means of communication and Wat more?

So u r blessed 2 live in this century

Hope this helps,dear frnd.

VAC: Mark as brainliest
VAC: Pls I need it
Answered by upenderjoshi28

To be alive in this century has its advantages and disadvantages. The scientific and technological advancements have really made life quite comfortable and convenient. We have faster and safer modes of transport; the medical facilities have increased the longevity of man; TV, computers, smart-phones, tabs, internet, etc have made life further more colourful and information of all sorts is available so easily. The infrastructure of all sorts is better: better roads, railroad tracks with faster trains, faster and safer airplanes, etc.  Added to all these, there are better educational facilities and opportunities. Each man or woman can educate themselves and learn the skills to excel in their respective careers.  


However, the current century has many disadvantages also. The levels of pollution due to urbanization and industrialization are the highest. Similarly, fast pace of life has added much stress. The cut throat competition and race for money and materialistic possessions has deteriorated the morals and ethics of the society. Many nations have amassed weapons of mass destruction in their arsenals that if used can end the entire planet. So, you see the advantages and disadvantages of living in this century.   

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