How many 3 digit numbers are there which leave reminder 2 on division by 7
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Since, all the numbers between 100 and 999 which are divisible by 7 and leaves the remainder 2 are in AP, where, Hence, there are 129 numbers between 100 and 999 which are exactly divisible by 7 and leaves the remainder 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
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How many 3 digit numbers are there which leave reminder 2 on division by 7?
Step-by-step explanation:
If 100 is divided by 7 , remainder is 2.
We know that,
If 101 divided by 7 , remainder is 3.
Last three digit number is 999.
When 999 is divided by 7 remainder is 5.
Thus, 997 is the number when divides by 7 remaining 3
Now substituting the values,

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