how many arguments pass in fopen() c language
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There are two arguments passed in fopen() c language.
1. const char* filename
2. const char* mode
fopen() function in C:
The fopen() function is used in C language to open a stream that links to a file.
FILE *fopen (const char *file_name, const char *mode)
file_name: It is the given file name that you want to open.
mode: The operation mode can be like read, write etc.
Example: fopen("F:\\cprogramming\\newproject.txt","w");
The c language fopen() takes two arguments.
The C library function "FILE * fopen(const char * filename, const char * mode)" opens the filename indicated by the filename using the specified mode.
The following is the declaration for fopen() function.
- "FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode)"
- This has 2 parameters filename, mode as its arguments.
- filename - This is the C string holding the filename to be opened.
- mode - This is the C string holding a file access mode.
- This function returns a FILE pointer. Otherwise, 'NULL is returned' and the 'global variable' errno is set to indicate the error.
To know more
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Arguments that take input by user before running a program are called