How many calories are needed for the children of growing age from the food they eat?
2000 calorie for children
and 2300 calorie for adult
Growth denotes an increase in the physical size of the body and development denotes an improvement in the skills and function of an individual. Together they denote physical, intellectual, emotional and social wellbeing of an individual. Birth to five years of age are called the formative years of a child. During these years, basic mental and physical development occurs in children. As per the World Health Organization, nutrition, healthcare and environment play a crucial role in determining the growth of a child.
The parameters used to measure growth are weight in kilograms, height in meters, head and chest circumferences and this can be measured with the baby growth tracker. In India, we use the WHO Child Growth Standards (2006) for children to track their growth. Tracking your child’s growth to check for deficiencies is of paramount importance.