Economy, asked by akashsinghday626, 26 days ago

how many chapter are coming in first term of class 12 board Indian economic and Macro economics both​


Answered by saiquafarheen68


Term 1

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics

Unit 2: Money and Banking

Money - meaning and supply of money - Currency held by the public and net demand deposits held by commercial banks. Money creation by the commercial banking system.

Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India): Bank of issue, Govt.

Bank, Banker's Bank, Control of Credit

Unit 4: Government Budget and the Economy

Government budget - meaning, objectives and components. Classification of receipts - revenue receipts and capital receipts; classification of expenditure – revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. Measures of government deficit - revenue deficit, fiscal deficit, primary deficit their meaning.

Unit 5: Balance of Payments

Balance of payments account - meaning and components;

Foreign exchange rate - meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating.

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Unit 6: Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991

A brief introduction of the state of Indian economy on the eve of independence. Indian economic system and common goals of Five Year Plans. Main features, problems and policies of agriculture (institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy), industry (IPR 1956; SSI – role & importance) and foreign trade.

Unit 7: Current challenges facing Indian Economy

Poverty- absolute and relative; Main programmes for poverty alleviation: A critical assessment;

Human Capital Formation: How people become resource; Role of human capital in economic development;

Rural development: Key issues - credit and marketing - role of cooperatives; agricultural diversification;


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