How many cropping season are found in india? Name them and write a short note
Answer:India has three major cropping seasons called Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. The Kharif season is from July to October and Rabi season from October to March. The crops grown between the months of March to June called Zaid. The crops are different patterns.
The Indian cropping season is classified into two main season 1) kharif and 2) rubi based on the monsoons. the kharif cropping season is from July - October during the south West Monsoon and the rubber cropping season is from October - March the crops growing between March and June as summer crops
there are two types of cropping seasons found in india and they are
kharif season-kharif season starts with the onset of the monsoon i.e,june-julyand continues till the beginning of winter i.e,october-november.for example,rice,millets
rabi season,the crops which are grown in winter from october to december and harvested in summer fron april to june .wheat,barley,peas,gram are some examples of rabi crops