How many degree does hour hand lag behind minute hand in span of 12 minutes?
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In clock, there are 60 minutes
degree of 1 minute in 360° = 360°/60 = 6°
so, in clock 1 minute = 6°
then, 12 minutes = 6° × 12 = 72°
hour hand lag behind minute hand in span of 12 minutes is 72°
degree of 1 minute in 360° = 360°/60 = 6°
so, in clock 1 minute = 6°
then, 12 minutes = 6° × 12 = 72°
hour hand lag behind minute hand in span of 12 minutes is 72°
Answered by
The hour hand moves 360 degrees / 12 in an hour = 30 degrees. It follows that in a minute it moves 30 degrees / 60 = 1/2 degree.
Step-by-step explanation:
We know that the hours hand completes 360° in 12 hours, that is minutes. Then, the angular speed of the hours hand in min is degree per minute. The minutes hand completes in a span of 1 hour, that is in 60 minutes. Then, the angular speed of the minutes hand in min is = 6 degree per minute.
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