how many different words can be formed by arranging letters of the word Ahmedabad such that(a) there is no restriction(b) with H and M hm and at the extreme (c)all consonants are together
(a) there are no restriction = = 30240
(b) H and M at the extreme = 840 words
(c) all consonants together = 480 words
Step-by-step explanation:
A H M E D A B A D ----------9 letters
A - repeated 3 times
D - repeated 2 times
the number of permutations of n objects, taken all at a time where there are p objects of similar type and q objects of another similar type
the arrangement is given as
(a) there are no restriction = = 30240
30240 words can be formed without any restriction
(b) H and M at the extreme
H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M _____ there will 7 letters in between H and M
out of this A is repeated 3 times D is repeated 2 times
then the number of possible arrangements = = 840
840 words can be formed when H and M are at the extreme
(c) all consonants together
consonants are H M D B D
these consonants can arrange themselves in = 60 ways
the vowels are A A A E
these vowels can arrange themselves in = 4 ways
consonants and vowels can be arranged as vowel consonant or consonant vowel = = 2 ways
number of arrangements with all consonants together = ×
= 60 × 4 × 2 = 480 words