how many disaccharides containing D- galactopyranose plus D - glucopyranose are possible? please explain properly.. I don't understand ..
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How many different disaccharides containing D-galactopyranose plus D-glucopyranose are possible?
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1 Answer

Protik Hazra, M.Sc. Biochemistry, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (2019)
Answered May 5, 2019
There are 19 possible disaccharides of D-glucopyranose.
D-glucopyranose exists in both α and β forms.
The glycosidic bond can be formed between the anomeric hydroxyl group on one glucose unit and any hydroxyl group on the other glucose unit.
The possible linkages are:
# α-Glucose + α-Glucose
α-(1→1)-α [trehalose]
α-(1→2) [α-kojibiose]
α-(1→3) [α-nigerose]
α-(1→4) [α-maltose]
α-(1→6) [α-isomaltose]
# α-Glucose + β-Glucose
α-(1→1)-β [α,β-trehalose]
α-(1→2) [β-kojibiose]
α-(1→3) [β-nigerose]
α-(1→4) [β-maltose]
α-(1→6) [β-isomaltose]
# β-Glucose + α-Glucose
β-(1→1)-α [but this is the same as α-(1→1)-β]
β -(1→2) [α-sophorose]
β -(1→3) [α-laminaribiose]
β -(1→4) [α-cellobiose]
β -(1→6) [α-gentiobiose]
# β-Glucose + β-Glucose
β-(1→1)-β [β,β-trehalose]
β -(1→2) [β-sophorose]
β -(1→3) [β-laminaribiose]
β -(1→4) [β-cellobiose]
β -(1→6) [β-gentiobiose]
So there are 19 possible disaccharides of D-glucopyranose.
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