how many families lived in the village palampur ? where did the dalits live?
The village of Palampur has around 450 families. These families belong to different castes. The majority of the land is under the control of the 80 upper caste families. Their big houses are made of bricks and cement plastering. The Dalits or the SCs comprise 1/3 of the total population. They used to live in very small houses made of mud and straw, in the corners of the village.
450 families lived in the village "Palampur".
Palampur village has 450 families and these families belong to the various different caste. In this village, 80 families who belong to the upper class and they have majority of the land in a village. In Palampur village, some houses are very big, some houses are made with brick and cement while some houses are made with grasses. There are one third population of Dalit caste or lower caste and they have smaller homes made with mud.