How many gods are there in the world?
→I just happen to come upon this question while doing some research, but I thought I’d clear up the details concerning Hinduism.
⭐The number 330,000,000 is not a real number and is a Hindu rhetorical amplification or exaggeration based on the fact that there are 33 Vedic gods and supposedly around 10,000,000 additional gods for every one of those we know. The truth is, there are only about 40–50 Hindu gods that have ever been named. There are about another 300 names that are alternative names for those 40–50 core gods.
⭐However, in modern times, there are only about 8–16 unique Hindu gods that are actually still worshiped by any denomination. The rest are regarded as culture heroes from India’s pre-Vedic, polytheistic past. Most of the 16 are different forms of the Supreme Mother Shakti, cutting that number in half. And of the 8 remaining gods, the vast majority of Hindus only worship the top 3, Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti - making up the gods of 98% of all religious Hindus. Vishnu has the largest number of devotees at approximately 70%, followed by Shiva at 21%, and Shakti Devi at 6–7%.
⭐Throughout recorded history, we can count anywhere from 8,000–12,000 gods who have been worshiped. But we can only count around 9 different types of gods (based on theological characteristics) that have been worshiped. Every modern god also fits into one of these types, and 5 of them are Hindu types.
⭐No one is quite sure how many gods are still worshiped in modern times, but the list is likely no fewer than 24 major gods and maybe about a 100 or so minor deities and spirits. It’s hard to pin downs since a lot of Asian cultures have a lot of minor divinities in their theologies.
Thank you. ❤✌
There are about 33 million gods in the world.
- Most of the gods are comprised of Greek and Indian mythology.
- In Greek mythology, the number of gods can vary from 8,000 to 12,000.
- In Indian mythology, the number of gods can be around 33 million.
- Each god has its own power that guides nature, humankind, animals, and each and every living thing in the universe.
- There are epic wars, friendships, love, etc., mentioned in each god showcasing the meaning of these emotions and how they can improve degrading oneself.