how many houses of the Parliament
In India, there are two house of Parliament.
→ The Upper House is the Rajya Sabha.
→ Its members are elected by MLAs, that is, election of Rajya Sabha members is
→ 12 members of this house may be nominated by the President.
→ Strength of Rajya Sabha is 245 members.
→ The Lower house is the Lok Sabha
→ Despite the name, it is stronger and more influential than Rajya Sabha.
→ The members are directly elected by the citizens.
→ It has 545 members, out of which 2 may be nominated by the President to represent the Anglo Indian community. Hence, 543 are elected members.
→ Money bill can only be presented in Lok Sabha.
What is Parliament?
It is an assembly of elected representatives which exercise supreme authority on behalf of people.
National assembly of elected representatives.
It is a set of people elected regularly by the people of the country directly or indirectly.
A Parliament has two houses -
1. Lok Sabha
2. Rajya Sabha
They are also called Chambers.
1. Lok Sabha :
It is known as the house of people.
It is known as the Lower Chamber.
It is directly elected by the people.
It exercises real power on behalf of people.
2. Rajya Sabha :
It is known as the Council of States.
It is also known as the Upper Chamber.
It is indirectly elected by the people.
It performs specific functions like an interest of the various states, regions.