How many Important I T / Computer Since For Students ?
Computer Science Education is important to today’s modern, digital society.
Students, parents, teachers and administrators continue to value CS learning in Year 2. More than
nine in 10 parents feel that opportunities to learn CS are a good use of school resources.
While support for CS learning continues to be strong, all students do not yet have access to CS
learning opportunities in school classes. However, many get exposure to CS through school-
sponsored clubs or activities and when CS is incorporated into other classes at school.
While CS learning opportunities are not universally accessible, they are increasing. Specifically,
40% of principals in Year 2 report having at least one CS class available in which students can learn
computer programming or coding — up from 25% in Year 1.
Although the majority of parents value CS, few have approached school officials to specifically
express support for CS in the classroom, and educators do not report that CS is a priority at their
school/district, which may be hampering CS offerings.
Similar to Year 1, schools report a lack of qualified teachers and funds as key barriers to offering CS.
Additionally, schools continue to report that they have too many other classes that support required
testing for students, which may immobilize some schools from adding CS offerings, especially in
lower grade levels.
The Computer Science Field is one of the most fastest growing and highest paying career paths in the world. However, there is a diminishing supply of teachers and students interested in Computer Science. This is largely based on how exposed students are to technology and resources as well as whether or not the students are being encouraged to explore the world of computer science.