English, asked by patel36, 1 year ago

how many kinds of noun?


Noun, Kinds of Noun, Common, Proper , Abstract, Material, Countable , Collective Noun


Noun is a naming word: - name of person, animal, thing, and place is called noun

e.g. Ram, Cow, Car, and Delhi

Kinds of Noun

Common Noun

It is the word which shows the whole class of person. Animals, Things & places

The name given in common to all persons, animals, things, place e.g. Boy, cow, pen, city

Noun that refers to both males & females

E.g. child, lawyer, speaker, principle, singer, dancer

(The 1st letter is always small, common means shared by all)

Proper Noun

It is the name of a particular person, thing & place e.g. Ram, Grange, Agra

(The 1st letter I always capital)

Abstract Noun

It is the name of quality feeling, idea, which can’t be touched but can only be felt e.g. darkness, fear, freedom, death, fragrance, art, science, grammar, music, chemistry etc.

Material Noun

It is the name of material from which different things can be made e.g. milk, gold, wood

Countable Noun

It is a noun which can be counted e.g. one pen, two girls, three cows

Uncountable Noun is a noun which cannot be counted e.g. milk, sugar, ink

Collective Noun

It is a grape of person animal, things

e.g. crowd, herd, fleet, galaxy

Answered by saurav85
there are five kinds of noun

1.proper noun

2.common noun

3.material noun

4.abstract noun

5.collective noun
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