how many minutes are there in month of April?? with correct explanation.
To find-
Minutes in month of April
There are 30 days in month of April.
In a one hour there are 60 minutes
In a day there are 24 hours.
Minutes in a day =Hours in a day × Minutes in a one hours
Minutes in a day =
Minutes in a day =
Minutes in month of April =April month days × Minutes in a one day
Minutes in month of April =
Minutes in month of April = minutes
∴ Minutes in month of April is 43,200 minutes
As per the data given in the question,
We have to determine that,
How much minutes are there in month of April.
As we know that,
In month of April there are total 30 days.
We know that,
In one hour there are 60 minutes.
We know that,
There are 24 Hours in 1 days.
So, total minutes in 1 day will be
So, for finding the minutes in month of april we need to multiply the total minutes in 1 days to 30.
So, we will get,
Total minutes in month of April will be
Hence, there will be a total of 43200 minutes in month of April.