how many minutes are there in the time of the extreme east and west point in brazil standard time division
plz help
Brazil Edit
Northernmost point: Monte Caburaí, Roraima (05°15′05″N 060°12′33″W)
Northernmost town: Uiramutã, Roraima
Southernmost point: Barra do Chuí, Rio Grande do Sul (33°45′09″S 053°22′07″W)
Southernmost town: Chuí, Rio Grande do Sul
Easternmost point: Ilha do Sul, Ilhas Martin Vaz, Espírito Santo (20°28′28″S 028°50′26″W)
Easternmost town: João Pessoa, Paraíba 07°09′28″S 034°47′38″W)
Westernmost point: Serra do Divisor, Acre (07°32′39″S 073°59′04″W)
Westernmost town: Mâncio Lima, Acre
Brazil (mainland) Edit
Northernmost point: Monte Caburaí, Roraima (05°15′05″N 060°12′33″W)
Northernmost town: Uiramutã, Roraima
Southernmost point: Barra do Chuí, Rio Grande do Sul (33°45′09″S 053°22′07″W)
Southernmost town: Chuí, Rio Grande do Sul
Easternmost point: Ponta do Seixas, Paraíba (07°09′28″S 034°47′38″W)
Easternmost town: João Pessoa, Paraíba 07°09′28″S 034°47′38″W)
Westernmost point: Serra do Divisor, Acre (07°32′39″S 073°59′04″W)
Westernmost town: Mâncio Lima, Acre
how many minutes are there in the time of the exterme east and west points