How many minutes would it take to cycle up energy
of 100g of chocolate?
Knowing exactly how much exercise is required to burn off a chocolate bar will support you in making healthier choices. Balance is key when striving for your healthiest, happiest life and so it’s important to indulge sometimes. So if you’d like to have your cake and eat it too, here’s how to become a little savvy when it comes to sweating off the sweet stuff. Remember, even if they are ‘the lighter way to enjoy chocolate’ a bag of Maltesers will make the scales go up if you don’t burn them off!
The most effective ways to burn off an average 50g bar of chocolate range from powerwalking to surfing to skipping. If you’re looking for the fastest way to sweat off the chocolate calories, then have a try of the following:
55 minutes of powerwalking
65 minutes of surfing
24 minutes of skipping
35 minutes of bike riding
27 minutes of jogging
40 minutes of swimming
62 minutes of dancing
110 minutes of walking
75 minutes of gardening
44 minutes of boxing
26 minutes of sand sprints
If you’re like me and you have a sweet tooth, there are some healthier alternatives in the ‘health food’ section of the supermarket. You can usually find brands that offer sugar-free options or even organic chocolate products. Although these will sometimes still contain sugar, you will find the nutritional labels are free of additives and preservatives and other nasty things you want to try and avoid.