Math, asked by abdulrahman4, 1 year ago

how many number 7 digits can be formed with the digits 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 in which odd number always occupy odd places

JinKazama1: Is answer 4! * 3! /(2!*2!)
JinKazama1: = 18


Answered by ArshadSir

4  \times 3 \times 2 \times 3 \times 2 = 24 \times 6 = 144

JinKazama1: Hey, you didn't seen similar numbersc
ArshadSir: still its cirrect
ArshadSir: correct*
JinKazama1: How this is correct?
Answered by JinKazama1
Final Answer : 18

1) We have 4 odd places and 3 even places.
Odd values - 1,1,3,3
There are two 1's and two 3's.

These can be arranged in 4!/(2!*2!) =6ways

2) Even numbers are 2,2,4
There are two 2's.
No. of arrangements = 3!/2! = 3ways

Since, these two both have to be satisfied, so
required no. of arrangements = 6 * 3 = 18ways

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