How many numbers amongst the numbers 9 to 99 are there which are exactly divisible by 9 but not by 3 ?
All the numbers from 9 to 99 are divisible by 9 and 3
To know that we have to know how to divide
Numbers between 9 and 99
To find:
Numbers in between 9 to 99 that are divisible exactly by 9 but not divisible by 3 =?
To find such numbers between the two given numbers we must first find out which numbers are included in the series.
Step 1: Numbers between 9 and 99 are divisible by 9 include:
=> 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99
Step 2: Now let us consider the divisibility rule for 9:
=> According to this if the sum of two digits is divisible by 9 the given number is exactly divisible by 9.
=> Therefore the first condition is satisfied and the numbers divisible by 9 include all the numbers mentioned above.
Step 3: To find numbers that are not divisible by 3 from the above-given numbers:
=> As we know that because the number 9 is exactly divisible by 3, therefore all those numbers which are divisible by 9 are always divisible by 3.
=> It can be deduced in the following way:
= 3
= 6
= 9
= 12
= 15
= 18
= 21
= 24
= 27
= 30
= 33
=> All the numbers are divisible by 3 and the second condition cannot be satisfied.
Hence, we can conclude that there are no numbers that are only divisible by 9 and not by 3 because all numbers divisible by 9 are divisible by 3 also.