How many semitones are there in the following notes? E -F = 1 semitone (example) D - Eb F- G C- C' A- D F- B E- G A- C# C- G C#- G# 2. How many tones are there in the following notes? C-D C - A F- Bb C# - A D-C I f you give me a wrong answer and take my points, Imma do what you don't expect.Thank you.
I'm trying to learn music theory, and I am a logical thinking person.
I have a lot of difficulties figuring out the logic in music theory, simply because... it defies all logic.
Let's take a Third Interval as example.
A Third Interval is defined as:
Three halfnotes to and from the root note (we are always counting the root note & interval too).
From A to C there are 2 whole steps + ½ step, which makes 4 half steps.
But Third Interval is described by halfnotes only. Yet when counting the Third Interval (or any other interval) it varies wether or not we count in halfsteps or not, as if one have to remember a whoe bunch of rules of what a Third Interval is, there is no underlying logic behind it. You cannot count mathematically.
If a Third Interval is defined as three (3) half steps/half notes from the root, ie. C, then the Third Interval should be D. But it's not.
One has to remember "as is". It "just is this way", you can't count.
The smallest cubes are 1^3=1, 2^3=8, and 3^=27. With any dice, the minimum is two. Even with dodecahedron dice, the maximum is 24. This only leaves 8.