How many soldiers of pakistan army surrender in 1971?
9300, Pakistan Soldier
I can swear on my religion that Pakistan surrendered because it did not want any further Bloodshed. We did not surrender because we had admitted defeat or because, we were scared, if we wanted, we could destroy India, but we did not want a blood bath. And, in 1965, Pakistan captured 35,000 Indian soldiers but, the news did not come up as India managed to beg Pakistan not to disclose the fact and, we returned the soldiers. Overall, Pakistan air force crippled India, with the help of M.M Alam and other legendary fighters, Pakistan army did surrender but, only to save lives and had destroyed India on every front but, surrendered because India had a larger force and, the Pakistan Navy was always successful in exposing the Indian Navy.
Pakistan destroyed and captured many Indian tanks, proof is available in Karachi and Lahore Army museum and even managed to capture an Indian Naught aircraft, sitting in Karachi.