how many steps are in lytic cycle of bacteriophage.?
Explanation:Following are the steps of lytic cycle..
1) Attachment:
In this step, the bacteriophage, attaches itself by it's tail to the
cell wall of bacterium (plural-bacteria).
2) Digestion:
In this step, the bacteriophage contains an enzyme called
lysozyme, which digest the cell wall of bacterium (plural-
Thus an opening is formed in the bacterial cell wall.
3) Injection:
The bacteriophage contracts and injects it's DNA through the
opening, inside the host (bacterium), while the protein coat and
tail remain outside.
4) Taking Control:
Inside bacterial cell, the bacteriophage DNA takes over the
biosynthetic machinery of the host (bacterium), to synthesize it's
own DNA and protein molecule.
5) Multiplication:
The bacteriophage multiplies and increases it's number,hence
form a lot of daughter bacteriophages , the daughter
bacteriophages exert pressure on the cell wall of
6) Rupturing:
Finally, the bacterial cell ruptures ( lysis occurs) due to all that pressure caused by daughter bacteriophages and release the
daughter bacteriophages out, which are now ready to attack a new
bacteria and start their lytic cycle, all over again.