Biology, asked by ronakgangwani4653, 1 year ago

How many types of cells is present in leaf epidermis


Answered by bawa7
The plant epidermis consists of three main cell types: pavement cells, guard cells and their subsidiary cells that surround the stomata and trichomes, otherwise known as leaf hairs.

..... I hope you will mark me as a brainliest.....
Answered by marishthangaraj

Three types of cells is present in leaf epidermis


  • Pavement cells: Pavement cells in the leaf epidermis begin out as modest polygons and grow into puzzle-shaped pieces with interlocking lobes. This compound geometry offers bio mechanical advantages; interlocking rises confrontation to tension and sustains the organizational integrity of the leaf surface.
  • Guard cells: Guard cells are cells surrounding each stoma. They help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata. Light is the main trigger for the opening or closing of stomata. Guard cells contain phototropin proteins which are serine and threonine kinases with blue-light photoreceptor activity.
  • Subsidiary cells: Stomata are pores in the plant epidermis that are surrounded by two guard cells, which control the opening and closing of the aperture. These guard cells are in turn surrounded by subsidiary cells which provide a supporting role for the guard cells. Stomata begin as stomatal meristemoids.

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