How many types of resources
1) biotic
2) abiotic
I hope it is helpful..
Classical economics teaches us that there are four “factors of production” (i.e. types of resource); Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise (″land” refers to commodities / natural resources in general while “enterprise” refers to entrepreneurial activity / commercial creative effort). More recently, “Technology” (i.e. know-how) has been recognised as another separate factor of production, and this brings the “types of resources in economics” to 5 as the question suggests. However, on closer inspection I would suggest that “enterprise” (entrepreneurial effort) is fundamentally a type of labour and that “capital” is a combination of “land” (natural resources/commodities) and expended “labour”. So, stripping it down to the truly fundamental components, I would suggest that there are just two primary “types of resources” (factors of production); labour and natural resources.
Hope this answer helps you.