How many veiws are there to veiws a table in ms access 2010
Layout view and Design view are the two views in which you can make design changes to forms and reports in Microsoft Access. Though you can use either view to perform many of the same design tasks, certain tasks are easier to perform in one view than they are in the other. For example, Layout view works best when you need to change the look and feel of a report because you can rearrange fields, change their sizes, or apply a custom style while viewing the data. In contrast, with Design view you can independently format every area of your form or report. For example, you can add text boxes that display the date and time that you ran a report. To facilitate the table layout of web forms in HTML, design changes to forms and reports in an Access web database can only be made in Layout view. Another aspect is the layout feature in Access 2010 that allows you to split columns and cells similar to tables. Layouts make it easier to keep controls aligned. Knowing when to select Layout view over Design view can help you design your forms and reports more easily. This article gives you an overview of both views, and explains when to use Layout view.