How many ways a String object can be created in java?
There are various ways you can create a String Object in Java:
Using String literal
You can create String objects with String literal
String str="Hello!";
Using new keyword
This is the common way to create a String object in java.
String str1= new String("Hello!");
Using character array
You could also convert character array into String here
char ch[]={ 'H','e','l','l','o','!',};
String str1=new String(ch);
Java String Class
Java String Class represents character strings. The java.lang.String class provides a lot of methods to work on string. Java String is not a primitive data type like int and long. It is basically an object that represents sequence of char values . It is like an array of characters works same as java string.
There are five total ways to create objects in Java, which are explained below with their examples followed by bytecode of the line which is creating the object.