. How many words can be formed using letters of the word ‘DESIGN’ unconditionally
There are 79 words which can be formed using letter of the word ' DESIGN ' unconditionally.
Permutation and Combination:
The different ways in which items from a set may be chosen, usually without replacement, to construct subsets, are called permutations and combinations.When the order of the selection is a consideration, this selection of subsets is referred to as a permutation; when it is not, it is referred to as a combination.
Examining all the possible ways that a pair of objects can be chosen from five different objects, such as the letters A, B, C, D, and E, can help to clarify the ideas of and distinctions between permutations and combinations.
Total number of words = 6
Vowels: E and I
Since we want that the vowels must be at the two end of the word, they can be shuffled in itself only
Therefore the required number of words = (6-2)! × 2!= 4!×2! =48