How many words can be formed with the letters of the word 'parallel' so that all l's do not come together ?
The word ‘Parallel’
To find:
The number of words that can be formed so that all I‘s does not come together
Number of words that can be formed with letters of ‘parallel’ = 8! / (2!3!)
= 3360
Consider all three l’s as a single letter. So we have 6 letters i.e., P,A,R,A,E,LLL
Number of words with all l’s together = 6! / 2!
= 360
Number of arrangements without all l’s together = 3360 - 360
3000 words can be formed so that all I‘s does not come together
Number of words that can be formed with letters of 'parallel' = 8! / (2!3!)
= 3360
Consider all three I's as a single letter. So we have 6 letters i.e. P , A , R , A , E , LLL
Number of words with all I's together = 6!/2!
= 360
Number of arrangements with all I's
together = 3360 - 360
= 3000
3000 words can be fromed so that all I's does not come together.