how milk converted into ghee write stepwise process
Delishably»Dairy & Eggs»Butter
How to Make Ghee From Milk Cream
Updated on July 11, 2017
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Homemade Ghee
We like to buy cow's milk. After boiling the milk, the cream floats to the top and becomes hard when it is cold. We collect the cream each day and store in the freezer. We add the cream to a container everyday for about a week. We take the container out of the refrigerator and set it aside until it's room temperature. Then we add a few drops of curd to induce curdling and keep it covered for 7-8 hours. Thereafter, you can start making ghee from this curdled milk cream. I'll show you the procedure for making ghee at home. The process, starting from whipping the cream till making the ghee, will likely take at least 45 minutes.
Homemade ghee
Homemade ghee
5 stars for Homemade Ghee
Step-By-Step Instructions and Images for Making Ghee from Milkcream
Collect milk cream in a container. Curdle it by adding a few drops of curd. Leave the container covered for 8 hours.
Mix the cream well. Take it in a mixer, in batches. Whip or gently grind it for a brief time, till you see butter floating at the top. Add some water while whipping. Collect the mixture in a wide container. Repeat the procedure till you whip the entire milk cream.
Separate butter from the buttermilk. This buttermilk can be used in curries or even for drinking.
Wash butter 2-3 times in water, to rinse off the impurities. Heat butter in a wide pan. Let the fire be high in the beginning. Butter starts melting and forms a frothy liquid.
Stir it occasionally, so that the bottom does not burn. You can reduce the fire when the mix starts looking like an oily liquid. Keep on stirring to avoid the burning.
After a few minutes, you can observe that all the impurities settle down in the bottom and yellowish oil-like liquid comes to the upper part.
Continue the heat, till you get a nice aroma of fresh ghee. Put off the stove. Keep the pan aside for cooling.
Once cool, collect the ghee in a bottle
hope it will help you