How much compound interest on rupees 62,500 has to pay if rate of interest is 4% per annum for 2 year compound annually
Calculate the amount and compound interest on Rs 62,500 for 11/2 years at 8% per annum compounded half yearly
Here P = Rs 62500, T =1 1 half straight r space equals space 8 % space straight p. straight a.
Compounding half yearly,
R = 8% p.a. = 4% per half year
T = <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/ at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/ line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/ mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/ com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/ com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/ com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/ com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre> year rightwards arrown = 3 half years.
∴ Amount = straight P open parentheses 1 plus straight R over 100 close parentheses to the power of straight n
= Rs 62500open parentheses 1 plus 4 over 100 close parentheses cubed
= Rs 62500open parentheses 26 over 25 close parentheses cubed
= Rs 62500 cross times 26 over 25 cross times 26 over 25 cross times 26 over 25
= Rs space 4 cross times 26 cross times 26 cross times 26 space equals space Rs space 70304
Amount = Rs 70304
CI = Rs 70304 - Rs 62500 = Rs 7804