how much current will it take to charge a circuit a current of 3600c in 10 minutes
For some reason I calculated it for 10 minutes, I think the title was changed. 1A = 1C/s. 1Ah = 3600 C/s. 10A for 10
Current :-
Current can be defined as quantity of charges flowing through two points per second.
1 A of current means 1 C of charge is flowing through two points per second.
To find the magnitude of current follow the given Algorithm :-
Step 1: Make sure the charges are given in C (Coulombs), time in s(seconds)
Step 2: Divide the quantity of charges by given time in seconds, we get the result in A(Amperes)
The above Algorithm can also be expressed as,
I = Q / t
I = Current
Q = Quantity of charge
t = Time taken
Here, We are given charges in coulomb but time in minutes, so convert time into seconds then follow the above algorithm.
⇒ Charges, Q = 3600 C
⇒ Time, t = 10 minutes or 600 seconds
⇒ I = Q/t
⇒ I = 3600/600
⇒ I = 6 A
Hence, Total current flown through the circuit is 6 A(Ampere).
More Formulae :-
◉ V = I × R
◉ P = V × I
◉ E = P × t
- V = Potential Difference
- I = Current
- R = Resistance
- P = Power
- E = Electrical energy consumed
- P = Power
- t = Time taken
Potential Difference :-
Potential Difference between two points is the amount of work done in moving a unit charge between the two points.
- It is measured in V ( volts )
- 1 volt is 1 J of work done in moving 1 C of charge between two points.
Resistance :-
Resistance is the obstruction to the flow of current or charges, It results in less quantity of charges flowing through the circuit or conductor.
- It is measured in Ω ( Ohm )