"How much of our knowledge depends on our interactions with other knowers?"
Most of a person’s knowledge comes from and depends upon the interaction with others. We simply cannot have knowledge if you are isolated from others. Take the example that you are alone, in a room, with no windows. In this situation the person in the room cannot possibly have any understanding of the outside world. They would also not know the most basic of information. Would one know that one was human or that there are other people beside oneself out there? How would one also think of things if there were no former knowledge of language? The person in the above example can be thought of as one of the humans that are living in the underground cave in the article that I have previously read titled, “The Allegory of the Cave.” Both the person in the room and the human in the cave have no prior knowledge of the outside world. Though the human has seen shadow, heard voices, and has had some interaction with others, he still does not know whether the things that he has seen or heard are in fact true. The person in the room does not have the luxury to leave the room like the human in the cave did to explore the world. Because the human was able to leave the cave, he gained new knowledge and learned that his previous knowledge was not correct. A way that we can gain knowledge from the interaction of others is through our parents or peers. As we are growing up, our parents help us gain knowledge of the world by telling us what things are. They pass on the knowledge that they have gained onto us. They also provide us with a language that provides us with the basis of our understanding. Our peers can give us information that they learned from their parents that we might have never heard or known before. Teachers can also help to enhance our knowledge. In school, teachers expand our knowledge in...
Our Knowldege in greatly influnced by people around us.
As per the famous theory which mentions that an individual's intelligence is the by product of interaction of his/her Genetic and environmental factors.
For example:
- A person who is living in a secluded area have no scope of communicating with others will be deprived from knowledge and he/her intelligence might also suffer because of this reason.
- On the other-hand a student who has well educated parents and he/she lives in a stimulating environment . Will pose better communication skills, better knowldege and better intelligence.
From the above Examples we can conclude that our parents, friends and family play a vital role in developing our knowledge with the society. And our interaction with our immediate envirnoment greatly affects our knowledge.