how much time take to read 3 pages of the book
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Word CountSlow (125 wpm)Average (300 wpm)1 pages4 minutes1.7 minutes2 pages8 minutes3.3 minutes3 pages12 minutes5.0 minutes4 pages16 minutes6.7 minutes
it's ok we meet after one year so you don't remember me but I remember you valt, see my first following is my old I'd we were besties friends that time
after that I went to London with my father
and because of lockdown it was difficult for us to come back
I saw your another I'd you have not answered it from many days
then I asked with my cousin kriti she said me that you have made a new I'd then I got you
now did you remember me valt
reply me
# cat noir
Space also provides earth with valuable metals, rare objects and precious materials that can be used for medical research. These special things can help cure diseases and help us to survive. ... If NASA stopped exploring our universe, we would not know importeant facts about space and our solar system
ap kal online nahi hua the
#Anime Lover