English, asked by ashishnegi1320, 1 year ago

how nature changes her garments from summer to rainy season essay


Answered by Peaches15manny
  In the rainy season there are air borne diseases and water borne diseases. Among the waterborne diseases, dysentery is the biggest problem. Hepatitis, cholera, polio, typhoid, Wheel's Disease, etc also pose serious health threats during the rainy season. Other health problems experienced during rainy season include asthma, arthritis, skin diseases, cold (cough, sneeze, phlegm), etc.
got the answer "In the rainy season it is hot and humid The heat makes you sweat and the humidity stops it from evaporating." when i attempted to find answer for my child's home work, but in my opinion it doesn't sweat much during rainy season, indeed we hardly sweat , right?come on discuss.-fazil,nagercoil.
advantages of monsoon are we can save water for domestic purposes and for irrigation facilities farmers can use rainy season for a good crop production rain gives good plant life ,so more vegetative growth so more they absorbs co2 it is good for the people to breath fresh air.
winter Not everywhere. In southern Arizona there are 2 rainy seasons each year, both lasting about 2 weeks, one in spring and one in fall. During these rainy seasons it rains hard 24 hours a day non-stop and the roofs of practically every building leak, some so badly several rooms flood before the rain stops and carpets and wallboard grow thick mold! In southern Arizona you will never see one drop of rain in winter, sometimes in summer you will get sudden thunderstorms 100 miles away followed by flash floods that wash buildings and vehicles in low areas suddenly away.

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hope it helps u
happy learning :-)
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