How Pandemic Spreads ?
A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents. It affects more people and takes more lives than an epidemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic when it became clear that the illness was severe and that it was spreading quickly over a wide area.
The number of lives lost in a pandemic depends on:
How many people are infected
How severe of an illness the virus causes (its virulence)
How vulnerable certain groups of people are
Prevention efforts and how effective they are
The WHO’s pandemic alert system ranges from Phase 1 (a low risk) to Phase 6 (a full pandemic):
Phase 1: A virus in animals has caused no known infections in humans.
Phase 2: An animal virus has caused infection in humans.
Phase 3: There are scattered cases or small clusters of disease in humans. If the illness is spreading from human to human, it’s not broad enough to cause community-level outbreaks.
Phase 4: The disease is spreading from person to person with confirmed outbreaks at the community level.
Phase 5: The disease is spreading between humans in more than one country of one of the WHO regions.
Phase 6: At least one more country, in a different region from Phase 5, has community-level outbreaks.
A pandemic is a disaster or a disease that spreads across the world or some country.Like our India been effected by COVID-19.Sometimes some country like China created it to make a bio war.Thank you This answer is from sumanth.