How poverty with a social exclusion is more serious than only poverty?
This chapter examines debates on poverty and social exclusion as they relate to children. Three major approaches in the poverty literature are discussed – poverty as a lack of material resources, poverty and human development, and poverty as a social relation. Poverty as a lack of material resources includes not only income or consumption poverty, but also material deprivation, including deprivation of items specifically relating to child wellbeing. Poverty in the space of human development 뉿focuses on debates on capabilities, and human rights – here the Convention on the Rights of the Child is of particular relevance. Poverty as a social relation on the other hand concerns the relationship between people who are poor and the rest of society, whether seen through an ‘underclass’ discourse, or a ‘social exclusion’ discourse. In the latter case in particular, literature has drawn attention to issues in the interpretation of social exclusion as it relates to children. Research on child poverty and exclusion needs to engage with all three approaches. Although all approaches have unique insights to offer, no single approach is complete in itself.