how rainbow is formed??
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hi friend!
Rainbow is formed due to following reasons:
→ Refraction
→ Dispersion of white light
→ total internal reflection.
Essential condition for formation of rainbow:
1. Presence of raindrops
2. To view rainbow, sun should be at your back.
The rays of sunlight, enter the drop near its top surface. At first refraction occurs , then white light is split up into & colours , violet most deviated and red least.
Reaching the opposite side of drop each colour is refracted back into the drop because of total internal reflection
arriving at the surface of the drop , each colour is again refracted into air.
We observe the rainbow when we view in between 42-20 degrees.
hope it helps
Rainbow is formed due to following reasons:
→ Refraction
→ Dispersion of white light
→ total internal reflection.
Essential condition for formation of rainbow:
1. Presence of raindrops
2. To view rainbow, sun should be at your back.
The rays of sunlight, enter the drop near its top surface. At first refraction occurs , then white light is split up into & colours , violet most deviated and red least.
Reaching the opposite side of drop each colour is refracted back into the drop because of total internal reflection
arriving at the surface of the drop , each colour is again refracted into air.
We observe the rainbow when we view in between 42-20 degrees.
hope it helps

rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.
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a rainbow is a natural spectrum which appears in the sky after a rain shower. it is produced by the dispersion of white sunlight by tiny drops of water present in the atmosphere. the rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to the sun.each drop of water acts as a tiny prism splitting the sunlight into spectrum. in fact within the rain droplets the incident light is refracted and dispersed and then it suffers internal reflection. when the light comes out of the rain droplets the light is finally refracted again .due to this dispersion and internal reflection different colours are observed. the red colour appears at the top and the Violet colour appears at the bottom of the rainbow. ........
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