How Reservation system harms our society?
• Caste based reservation perpetuates the caste system instead of eliminating it
• Castes based reservation is anti-national because it creates gaps in society
• Caste based policies are also anti-secular because they promote differences instead of removing the; caste reservation is discriminatory
• Caste based reservation is anti-progressive because it does not reward merit or efficiency
• Caste based reservation is a policy for appeasement of the masses and a chance to promote vote bank politics
• Positive discrimination/affirmative action programmes are creating an obstacle for national integration
• Caste is being used for extending benefits in education, public service and representations based solely on the caste status
• Assuming that certain castes are backward is fallacious and incorrect
• Reservation thwarts growth and development; it stands in the way of allegiance to sovereign democratic republic
• The “creamy layer” takes on the benefits of caste based reservation; the latter therefore promotes further inequalities instead of removing them
• Caste should not be the only ground for social backwardness; there are many other criteria for defining backwardness which need to be applied
• Caste system is an obstacle to an egalitarian society
• Caste system causes an entire community to be tagged as backward regardless of whether there are inequalities within the particular community, as is often the case
• Caste based reservation also promotes caste mindedness and a casteist society
• Underprivileged, weaker sections of society do not necessarily belong to any particular caste; economic inequalities are not addressed through a caste based reservation system
• Caste is not the only disadvantageous factor in society; reservation should not be at the cost of social restructuring
• Reverse discrimination is another big problem of applying a caste based reservation system
• Such reservation systems reduce the motivation to perform to the best of one’s ability for backward as well as non-backward classes
• Non backward classes often try to gain backward status to avail privileges even though they are not qualifying for the same which tells us about the deteriorating mindset.
• Caste based reservation also promotes an injustice and animosity towards backward d groups
• Caste consciousness will not be eliminated if caste based reservation is being followed