How saocail and economic eqaulity is vital for sucess of democracy?
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5 answers · Economics
They're not.
For example if everyone had equal income and equal debt, the economy would collapse and hundreds of millions of people would die of starvation.
Equality is an anti-human ideology. People are not, and cannot be "equal" in fact, ever. And because people value those factual differences differently - for example sexual preference - they cannot be equal in value either.
Also, democracy depends on the political class claiming a legal monopoly of the initiation of force and threats, which obviously is not and cannot be equal.
Equality would cause the immediate collapse of democracies, which are built on the state's unequal power.
They're not.
For example if everyone had equal income and equal debt, the economy would collapse and hundreds of millions of people would die of starvation.
Equality is an anti-human ideology. People are not, and cannot be "equal" in fact, ever. And because people value those factual differences differently - for example sexual preference - they cannot be equal in value either.
Also, democracy depends on the political class claiming a legal monopoly of the initiation of force and threats, which obviously is not and cannot be equal.
Equality would cause the immediate collapse of democracies, which are built on the state's unequal power.
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