Science, asked by Akangkhya, 1 year ago

How science is going to change our lives in the next decade.(word limit 1000)


Answered by muskanc918

Over the course of the next two decades, we can expect technology to make major changes to the world around us which will be difficult to cope with for some but for others, the chance to level the playing field between the richest and poorest nations in the world will be on offer. Over the course of the mid to late 20th century, the birth of the information age took place with a growing reliance on digital technologies providing the driving force behind the innovations which have led to the start of the current digital age. The question of whether we have reached singularity between humans and technology is one on the lips of many scientists and technology experts who feel this time is closer than ever before but may not have occurred before the expiration of the next two decades.

One of the most feared areas of the changing face of technology in the coming two decades is the rise of artificial intelligence and the robot workers, many people believe will bring a vast change to every aspect of our working lives. The McKinsey Global Institute estimated, the rise of artificial intelligence will see between 45 and 70 million workers lose their jobs across the next decade and the situation grows even worse for many low-skilled workers in the coming years.

The loss of low-skilled jobs to robot workers has resulted in a number of different opinions forming about whether the impact of this will be positive or negative for society. Some experts believe the rising use of artificial intelligence in most developed countries will lead to a higher standard of living for the majority who will largely be concerned with how to distribute the wealth fairly and efficiently; others believe the largest amount of wealth being created with the elimination of the lowest paid jobs will be distributed to the top one percent and see a growing gap between rich and poor be made even worse.

Not only will the technology change affect the work life of millions of people across the planet but it will also play a role in the way work is conducted and from where. One of the most important changes we are currently seeing is the switch from a specific role within a company climbing the corporate ladder to a multi-dimensional lattice pattern of movement throughout a company. Businesses have been removing multiple layers of management since the 1970s and left little room for upward movement in a traditional sense; developing multiple skills is one of the most important aspects of the changing face of corporate advancement which allows sideways movement to the most important areas of a business throughout a career. Understanding many different options open to a company in using technologies allows an employee to seek advancement through multiple sideways movements over the course of the next two decades.

Workplace monitoring is already a part of the lives of millions of workers across the planet but for many, the use of fitness monitors and even chips implanted in the bodies of employees will become an everyday occurrence over the course of the next 20 years. Research company, Garner revealed in 2014 a total of 10,000 companies across the planet had already offered their employees fitness monitoring equipment and this number will only rise as the good health of employees will no doubt become a major factor for companies in the U.S. and the rest of the world where healthcare costs continue to rise over the next two decades. A good example of the use of fitness monitoring is the need for employers to be able to monitor the sleep patterns of employees which have recently been seen to have a direct link to the level of concentration seen during the working day.

One of the most well-known areas of technological advancement in recent years has been the development of driverless vehicles which have been pioneered by major technology groups such as Google and Uber, which has been well publicized but also creates a difficult choice for consumers who must place their trust in the latest technology. Electric vehicles are already making an impact on the environment and many experts believe the development of driverless cars could cut down on the number of vehicles on the road; in 2017, the Tesla organization has already developed automated technology to allow their cars to self-drive which puts the company at the forefront of the changing face of travel over the next 20 years in the view of experts at the University of California at Berkeley. Some experts have stated the first driverless vehicles could be using the roads as early as 2020 but the development of testing grounds in the U.S. and U.K. will see an increase in technology which should make the use of automated vehicles safer for all to enjoy in 20 years time.

Answered by Maxcaulfield


Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

As the cost of sensors continues to decline and computing power increases, all kinds of devices will increasingly become connected to the internet. From the clothes you wear to the ground you walk on, everything will come online.

By 2022, experts predict that 10% of people will be wearing clothing with embedded chips that connects them to the internet.

This isn’t really too surprising seeing as a number of accessories — including watches and rings— are already becoming connected.

The first 3D-printed car will be in production by 2022.

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

3D printers are increasingly becoming more powerful and capable of printing complex objects from all kinds of materials. Many car companies are already using 3D printing to create prototypes and to more efficiently create specific parts of a vehicle.

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

Interacting with the world around you will become a lot different when connected glasses become more common.

Respondents estimate that by 2023, more than 80% of the global population will have a digital presence. According to the report “digital life is becoming inextricably linked with a person’s physical life,” and will only continue to grow in importance.

The number of global smartphone subscribers is estimated to breach 50% penetration by 2017, and by 2023, about 90% of the population will be connected via smartphone.

Access to the internet will become a basic right by 2024.

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

3D printers are already increasingly used in the healthcare industry to create human parts, like bone replacements and organ implants. Doctors have already used 3D printing to create part of a patient's rib cage and other bone implants.

But bioprinting, which combines bioengineering with 3D printing, will also enable researchers and others in the healthcare industry to grow usable artificial organs.

5% of consumer products will be 3D printed.

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

3D printing, also know as additive manufacturing, has already made a lot of inroads with designers and in the manufacturing industry.

But as the printers become less expensive, more powerful, and easier to use, consumers will also increasingly adopt the technology. This will enable them to print things at home on demand.

Demand for the technology has already grown more than it was expected. In 2014, there were 133,000 3D printers sold worldwide, which is a 68% increase from 2013.

30% of corporate audits will be performed by artificial intelligence by 2025.

According to recent research from the McKinsey Global Institute, about 45% of activities people are paid to perform can be automated by adapting current technologies. This represents about $2 trillion in annual wages in the US.

But it’s not only low-income, low-skill workers that will be at risk. According to the McKinsey research, “even the highest-paid occupations in the economy, such as financial managers, physicians, and senior executives, including CEOs, have a significant amount of activity that can be automated.”

By 2025, AI used in white-collar jobs is expected to reach a tipping point and about 30% of corporate audits will be performed by AI.

Globally, more trips will be made using car-sharing programs than privately-owned cars by 2025.

Services like Uber, Lyft, and Zipcar have changed how people think about transportation and car ownership. It’s also forced auto manufacturers to rethink their business models.

Because AI can learn from previous situations, it can provide insight and automate complex decision process based on data and past experiences. This means that robots won't just replace low-wage, low-income jobs. As AI and robotics evolve, we will see more white-collar jobs also begin to be replaced.

Technological Progress We’ll Reach By The Year 2030

Infrastructure will also become more connected in the future, giving way to more smart cities. Everything from the sidewalk and streets to the traffic lights and buildings will be connected to the internet.

Smart cities, like a smart home, will be automated capable of managing their “energy, material flows, logistics and traffic,” according to the report.

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