Biology, asked by Harish0987, 1 year ago

How sewage water purification works?

silu12: aau pochar
silu12: gote
Harish0987: ok
silu12: hau
Harish0987: debe
Harish0987: ans


Answered by silu12
sewage has large amount of excretory materials.1% of it is solid matter and rest 1% contains collidal matter , suspended matter, and dissolved matter in form of minerals.

seawage treatment is completed in two stages;
★ In the first phase the coarse particles, suspended and floating matter are mechanically removed by various methods.The solids separated in this treatment from primary sludge.
★In the second phasemicrobial organisms are involved.vigorus stirring is done so as to facilitate aerobic organisms to oxidize the organic matter in seawage.Then the microbes are removed from effluenr .Rhis becomes the activated is exposed to anaerobic digestion in a different tank.fungi and bacteria from the sludge get digested by anaerobic action releasing soluble substances ans gaseous substances which can used as biogas.Rest of effluent is treated with disinfectants and then can be released into water bodies like river, streams or sea.
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