History, asked by Anamika8108, 7 months ago

How should we keep public places answer briefly ​


Answered by mukeshmk10230





Answered by ayushthegreat47


How can we make Indians keep their surroundings clean, especially public places?

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4 Answers

Naraina Damle, I am an Indian

Answered November 2, 2015 · Author has 3K answers and 4M answer views

I would put the suggestions in the following order.

Make sure the public places are kept clean. Dirt attracts more dirt.

Have sufficient number litter bins and toilets and boards showing directions for toilets.

Put big boards in local and other suitable languages that defaulters will be fined between say Rs. 200 (for say throwing a paper) to Rs 1000 (for peeing). Defecation should attract something more than a fine

Put CCTV cameras with boards on them that they are meant to watch youi.

Give the contract for fine collection to a private agency at a PROFITABLE commission. (have you seen the entusiasm in toll collection?)

Let the people of the agency (in uniform) collect the fines overtly with an obvious looking boss with a separate uniform.

Let some dummy person purposely mess up the place. Let him be hauled and call the media beforehand. Media will do it's job. Make sure the do not play party politics with that.

Media should be encouraged to publicize the above news throughout the country.

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