Hindi, asked by nitinsinghchauhan876, 11 months ago

how small farmens manage the capital for farming​


Answered by shaikrasheka2004


most small farmers borrow money for the requested requirement of capital they borrow money for large farmers or trade that they supply various raw material FOR cultivate of land or aur money lenders within the village

Answered by himansi33


here is your answer mate

the small farmers are so poor .so they have to manage the capital of farming .now think if farming ia not there what would happens with the farmers .all people in the world are not of same type and all people of the world did not got job . so the people whuch have no work what they can do , how they run their house ,how they make their to be educated .the small farmers manage the capital by working hard in their fields

to earn money and for the education if the childerns and to run their house .it is compulsary for a farmer to do farming otherwise it is of his /her loss .if they do farming so they can earn easily but with their progress .they have to do work for their family ..........❤❤❤

this is your answer mate

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