how socialist state influence the education system?
School policy and the principles underlying the organization of systems of education determine the structure of these systems. Systems of public education in the European socialist countries include: preschool education, general secondary education, out-of-school education, vocational-technical education, secondary specialized education, higher education, and advanced training.
A very important task of the modern school in all countries of the world is to bring the curricular content of education into line with the requirements of scientific-technological progress. Ministries of education, special organizations and committees, and various study commissions and groups of specialists at all levels are working to resolve this task. Now that science is becoming a direct productive force, curriculum problems in the general education school inevitably acquire both a national and global character. The interrelation between the level of education in the school and level of the development of science and technology in any given country, and the need for radical changes in the school curriculum, which for many decades has been left quite unaltered, have become obvious. The need for profound changes in the curriculum is acknowledged by all and is beyond question. But these tasks are carried out in various ways depending on the social system and the direction of state school policy.
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