how the colonial government expand their revenue income
Grazing Tax: To expand its revenue
income the colonial government
looked for every possible source of
taxation. So, tax was imposed on land,
on canal water, on salt, on trade goods
and even on animals... The tax per
head of cattle went up rapidly and the
system of collection was made
increasingly efficient.
Grazing Tax: To expand its revenue
income the colonial government
looked for every possible source of
taxation. So, tax was imposed on land,
on canal water, on salt, on trade goods
and even on animals... The tax per
head of cattle went up rapidly and the
system of collection was made
increasingly efficient.
Waste Land Rules: From mid- nineteenth century, Waste Land Rules were enacted in various parts of the country. By these Rules uncultivated lands were taken over and given to selected individuals. The colonial state wanted to transform all grazing lands into cultivated farms. Land revenue was one of the main sources of the colonial government. By expanding cultivation it could increase its revenue collection. It could at the same time produce more jute, cotton, wheat and other agricultural produce that were required in England. Colonial officials considered uncultivated land as unproductive, as it produced neither revenue nor agricultural produce.