How the european influence on the painting in india
indian painting by bringing picturesque such as evocative landscape.
4] 'kali ghat paintings' in calcutta [now kolkata] featured lively, brightly coloured mythological and secular subject. one popular feature was depicting bureaucratic red tapism and infamous work.
5]western colleges of art were eastablished at chennai[1850], calcutta[1854], mumbai[1857].most famous painter from india was raja ravi varma who got international recognition in second half of nineteenth century.
however, elite artist engrossed to nationalism in late nineteenth-century. e.g. tagore brother abanindranath and ravindranath tagore. his ' bharat mata' painting become iconic for nationalists.
Europeans brought new styles of paintings like oil paintings. These were adapted into local styles like Kalighat paintings and also with themes from Indian mythology like Bharat Mata. ... Architecture, perhaps remains the most visible influence of Europeans on Indian Art.