Geography, asked by Piyushkumarbioter, 6 months ago

how the natural region of the world differnt from climatic region


Answered by Anonymous


natural region (landscape unit) is a basic geographic unit. Usually, it is a region which is distinguished by its common natural features of geography, geology, and climate. ... Thus most natural regions are homogeneous ecosystem

Climatic region refers to a continuous geographic area in which similar climate characteristics are observed. Geographic area refers to areas whose boundaries are specifically delimited in accordance with well-defined concepts and which, in total, cover the entire landmass of Canada.

hope this helps you mate xD

Answered by Anonymous

1. Equatorial Region

Natural Environment:

The equatorial belt extends roughly between 5°N and 5°S of the Equator. It has uniformly hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year. The annual range of temperature is low, and seasonal contrasts are at a minimum. The combina­tion of high temperature and high humidity makes the climate unfavourable for sustained human effort, but very favourable for the growth of vegetation

Economic Base:

The region has red and yellow soils of low fertility as they get leached by heavy rainfall. The natural vegetation comprises of dense, lofty equa­torial forests (also known as “selvas”) containing variety of species. The economic importance lies in their wealth of valuable hardwoods. The tall hard­wood forms a continuous cover at high level. There are small plants forming a second layer and thick undergrowth of bushes.

The Amazon Basin of South America and Congo in Zaire are inhabited by primitive tribes. They sustain their livelihood through food gathering, fishing and shifting cultivation.

Human Adaptation:

It remains mostly in a natural state except in some accessible tracts. Malaria, yel­low fever and other tropical diseases are widespread. Dense forests have remained inaccessible except along navigable rivers and few major roads. Human settlements are small and scattered. The Island of Java is inhabited by farmers for centuries for fertile vol­canic soils. Intensive subsistence agriculture is com­mon in lowlands and terraced hill slopes. Density of population exceeds 1000 persons per sq. km. Devel­opment of plantation agriculture represents another response to same environment.

2. Tropical Grassland (Savanna) Region:


This region lies in the interior of the continents extending up to the sea in the west in the tropical belt. It comes under the influence of equa­torial belt of calms during summer and receives convectional rainfall and it is under the influence of trade winds during winter which are dry winds and the re­gion experiences drought. It generally lies between 5°N and 20°S latitudes. This region has moderate rainfall and greater annual range of temperature. It occurs extensively in Africa, parts of Brazilian Pla­teau and Orinoco basin in South America.

Economic Base:

Due to deficiency in water, natural vegetation consists of savanna or tropical grasslands known as Lianos in Venezuela and Campos in South­ern Brazil. Coarse tall grass grows to a height of about 3 metres is the typical vegetation. These tropical grasslands are known as the big game country as car­nivorous animals like lion, leopard, tiger abound in the region. These animals feed on deer, zebra and other herbivores. An extensive national park in East Africa attracts many tourists.

Human Adaptation:

In East Africa, the primitive Masai people practise animal rearing. They migrate from place to place. Meat, milk and other animal products are used for local consumption. There is a scope for development of pastoral industry on a com­mercial basis as has been done in a similar region in Queensland State in Australia. The Mausa tribesmen in savanna region of Nigeria are mainly agricultural­ists (dry crops) but also keep cattle and goats for pro­viding milk and meat.

3. Tropical Deciduous Forest Region:


This region includes eastern mar­gins of the continents between 10°N to 30°N and 10°S to 30°S. Rainfall is moderate except in coastal re­gions and mountainous tracts. The summers are hot and rainy while winters are warm and dry.

Parts of region such as India, south East Asia, West Africa and Northern Australia experience a typical monsoon climate having seasonal reversal of winds. Trade winds prevail in winter and monsoon winds blowing in opposite direction prevail during summer. Winds are onshore during summer.

Economic Base:

The combination of heat and good rainfall in summer favours growth of plants. Agricul­ture is the dominant occupation. Laterite soil occurs in these regions, except in river valleys where the allu­vial soils are found. Natural vegetation consists of tropi­cal forests which are less dense than equatorial forests. Teak, Rosewood, Mahogany are valuable trees.

Human Adaptation:

The lowlands and river valleys have fertile soil and abundant water supply. They are intensively cultivated with some tracts producing more than one crop during the year. Besides rice, wheat, commercial crops like jute, cotton are also cultivated. The river valleys and delta are densely populated. Mountainous tracts are forested and yield hardwood timber, bamboo. Some forests have been cleared for plantations of tea, coffee, and rubber.

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