Biology, asked by anso6498, 1 year ago

How the plants and animals are found in your surrounding prove useful or harmful


Answered by sureshs2468pcl5g8
We have to live in harmony with our surroundings. We are helped by several animals and plants around as and in turn, we must understand and fulfill their requirements. It is thus very essential for us to differentiate between useful and harmful plants and animals. In this project we will study about various plants and animals which are useful to us and also about those that cause us harm.



                   A large number of plants and their products are used for the well being of mankind. They provide us with food, clothing and shelter. They also provide raw materials for many industrial products. Numerous plants have medicinal properties. Ornamental plants add to beauty. Many of the useful plants occur in nature in forests and a good number of them are cultivated for food and industry.

                   In general, the useful plants can be grouped into the following categories:

         1.       Food Producing              

          2.       Fiber Yielding

          3.       Timber Yielding

          4.       Medicinal

          5.       Ornamental Plants

          6.       Other Useful Plants.


                   The early nomadic men gathered wild plants and hunted animals for their food. As they began settling down in particular areas, they started collecting seeds and planting them. This marked the beginning of agriculture. The following are some of the major food plants cultivated in India: Cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits.

                   All cereals are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins A, B and C. They are cultivated as annual crops. Rice, wheat and maize are the major cereals while Jowar and Bajra are millets. Cereal cultivation in India occupies about 60% of the total land under cultivated.


                   The seeds of some plants are used as food. These seeds are known as pulses and they contain proteins in large amounts in addition to carbohydrates and vitamins.


                   Vegetables constitute an important part of the daily diet. There are variety of plants whose edible parts are caten raw or are cooked for preparing delicious dishes. The vegetables include roots, leaves, flowers and even unripe fruits. The vegetables are very important because they contain minerals salts and vitamins.


                   In economic botany, the term fruit is commonly used for only those which are eaten without cooking. A large number of plants are cultivated in India for their fruits. Some, like mangoes and bananas, are even exported. Other fruits common in India are guava, papaya, pineapple, orange, pear, custard - apple, grapes, litchi, etc. They provide not only carbohydrates but also vitamins.

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