Math, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

How the process of POLLINATION is DIFFERENCE from fertilization?


Answered by Anonymous


\bf\Huge\red{\mid{\overline{\underline{ ANSWER }}}\mid }



how is the process of pollination different from fertilization


\Large\fbox{\color{purple}{ SOLUTION }}

pollination is the process of transfer of pollen from anther to stigma it occurs with the help of pollinators like air but in fertilization is the fusion of the male and female gamete it occurs inside the ovule and leads to the formation of zygote


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Answered by pinjaraarifisha

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther (male organ of the flower) to the stigma (female organ of the flower) of the same or different flower.

Fertilization occurs once the pollen grain reaches the stigma, it produces a pollen tube, which grows down through the style to the ovary.

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